Tech Rocks


An online resource for latest web technologies like Coldfusion, JRun, Pro*C, JQuery, HTML5, PHP, W3C, Java, J2EE, C, C++, ORACLE, PL/SQL, MySql, Ajax, Coldbox, Fusebox, UNIX, JavaScript, NodeJS and much more...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Installing Open Blue Dragon on Google App Engine

Google Plugin for Eclipse 4.1 (Juno)

Check this link for details on the Google Plugin.

For online installation refer this link

For offline installation refer this link

Install the Google plugin for Eclipse and Get started with App-engine

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cloud Storage

Windows Skydrive – 8 GB

Dropbox – 5 GB

Box – 5 GB

Amazon Cloud Drive – 5 GB

Ubuntu One – 5 GB

Google Drive – 5 GB

Evernote – 2 GB

Zumo Drive – 2 GB

Picassa – 1 GB

ADrive – 50 GB

DriveHQ – 1 GB

SugarSync – 5 GB

4shared – 15 GB

Zero PC – 2GB