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Monday, June 19, 2017

JavaScript more than meets the eye

JavaScript can seem like a very easy language to learn at first. Perhaps it’s because of its flexible syntax. Or perhaps it’s because of its similarity to other well known languages like Java. Or perhaps it’s because it has so few data types in comparison to languages like Java, Ruby, or .NET.

But in truth, JavaScript is much less simplistic and more nuanced than most developers initially realize. Even for developers with more experience, some of JavaScript’s most salient features continue to be misunderstood and lead to confusion. One such feature is the way that data (property and variable) lookups are performed and the JavaScript performance ramifications to be aware of.

In JavaScript, data lookups are governed by two things: prototypal inheritance and scope chain. As a developer, clearly understanding these two mechanisms is essential, since doing so can improve the structure, and often the performance, of your code.

  • Property lookups through the prototype chain 
  • Variable lookups through the scope chain 
  • JavaScript Performance Ramifications

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