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Friday, November 28, 2008

Fusebox Vars

Alternate way of calling a page


Sets the value that your application will use to designate a fully-qualified fuseaction23. In Fusebox 3, this was hardcoded to "fuseaction", but with Fusebox 4 you are free to use any value you like. Thus, your URLs and forms can now pass fuseactions like this: index.cfm?method=main.welcome. Other popular values are fa and go. The default value is fuseaction.


Sets the fuseaction to run if no
fuseaction is specified, such as when a user makes their first request to your application. This field is required.


Allowable values: form, url. Sets the precedence of form and url variables when they are converted to the attributes scope, in the case where a variable is defined with the same name in both the form and url scopes. The default value for this attribute is form.


Allowable values: development, production. Provides a way to toggle between development and production mode. In development mode, the XML files are reparsed on every request. This also means that the Fusebox 4 memory structures are rebuilt on each request. You should set the model to development while creating or maintaining your application. Doing so will let you see your changes applied as you make new requests to your application. In production mode, the XML files are only reparsed if they are newer than the version that Fusebox 4 is holding in memory. This results in a significant performance increase when in production mode. Default is


Lets you set a password that can be included in a URL and allows you to perform some basic maintenance on your Fusebox 4 application. If not set to an empty string, then the password is required when specifying modal settings on the URL. Example: &fusebox.password=stancox&􀂩 fusebox.load=true to force a reload of fusebox.xml Example: &fusebox.password=stancox&􀂩 fusebox.parse=true to force a reparse of the requested fuseaction.
Example: &fusebox.password=stancox&􀂩 fusebox.execute=false to inhibit execution of the fuseaction.
When mode is set to development, load, parse and execute are set to true on each request automatically. When mode is set to production, load, and parse are set to false and execute is set to true on each request automatically24. These can be over-written for a single request using the URL variables above


Allowable values: true, false. Determines whether the parsed files that Fusebox 4 generates will contain comments. The comments that Fusebox 4 generates can be very helpful, but if you want the smallest parsed files possible, you can disable this feature. Default is true.


Sets the scripting language for the Fusebox 4 application. Some possible values could be php or cf5. Default is cfmx.


Determines which file extension will be used when referring to files (both fuses and parsed files). Default is cfm.


As described above, when a circuit refers to a file without a delimiter, the scriptFileDelimiter is appended. The maskedFileDelimiters describes
which extension, if found at the end of a file reference, should be left as is—masked—from the translation. You can use * to mask all files so that no scriptFileDelimiter is appended at all. Default value is the literal list htm,cfm,cfml,php,php4,asp,aspx


Allows you to set the character encoding that Fusebox 4 includes in the parsed files. This is very useful to internationalize your application. Default is UTF-8.