Tech Rocks


An online resource for latest web technologies like Coldfusion, JRun, Pro*C, JQuery, HTML5, PHP, W3C, Java, J2EE, C, C++, ORACLE, PL/SQL, MySql, Ajax, Coldbox, Fusebox, UNIX, JavaScript, NodeJS and much more...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quantcast Media Planner - Find Your Audience Online
Quantcast Media Planner ranks millions of web properties based on their ability to deliver your target audience - the way you define it. Unlike panel-based services, much of Quantcast's data is based on directly measured (Quantified) traffic - collected through a program publishers participate in. Other sites not participating in the program (non- Quantified) have panel-based audience estimates provided. Leverage powerful demographic, geographic (TV DMA), lifestyle interest, or brand affinities to drive unparalleled visibility across the web - major publisher sites, networks, vertical properties and more.